Register now for our Faith Formation and Youth Ministry programs. The Fall Antioch (Sophomore) Retreat is already full and closed to additional participants. Our first Faith Formation session is a Family session and will meet the end of September. Contact our Youth Minister or Faith Formation Coordinator with any questions.
Construction around our Church building is almost complete. We expect to be able to celebrate masses this weekend inside the Church building! If anything changes, we will post on our website, social media and send a Flocknote email to all parishioners. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we complete this capital improvement project!
Due to continued construction, all weekend Masses on August 3 and August 4 will be held in the Parish Center. Unfortunately, we will not be able to livestream any of our masses this weekend due to equipment constraints. Thank you for your understanding and support as the drainage problems around our church building are being fixed.
The updates to the drainage issues in the Church basement are well underway at St. Pats! Construction began in mid-July and will continue through August. Due to access availability issues, weekend masses were held in the Parish Center this past weekend. Please check our website, weekly Flocknote newsletters (emailed on Thursday mornings) and our Facebook account for any updates and changes to our weekend mass locations over the next few weeks. Thank you for your patience while this portion of our capital improvements are being completed!
Our teens have been working on various home projects to help our friends in Rowlesburg, West Virginia. In addition to the projects and labor, they also connect with the locals, having conversations and showing genuine care for the residents. Check out the short video clip on Facebook where our parish teens were able to help catch a runaway dog and return it to the child who lost it!
Thank you Saint Patrick Parish for your generosity to the 2023 Diocesan Ministries Appeal! Our goal for 2023 was $51,500. Through the generosity of many of our parishioners, $83,266 was donated! In addition to helping many of the Diocesan ministries and our brothers and sisters in need, we received a rebate of $15,844 to be used for needs within our own parish!
Through the Diocesan Ministries Appeal, we are given the opportunity to care for our neighbors in our corner of New Jersey including support for Catholic Charities programs, seminarian formation, funds for inner-city Catholic schools, and care for our senior priests. The Appeal makes a genuine difference and impacts lives for the better. Thank you again for your generosity and helping those in need!
Registration for our Youth Ministry (SPYM) and Faith Formation programs is open for the 2024-2025 school year for the youth of our parish. Rising Freshmen and Sophomores must register for BOTH Youth Ministry AND the Confirmation Program. Rising Juniors and Seniors that plan to participate in our Youth Ministry program including those serving as retreat leaders should register for the Youth Ministry program only. All rising 1st grade students through 8th grade students should register for Faith Formation. Children in 2nd grade preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist must also register for the Sacramental Program in addition to grade 2 Faith Formation. Preparation for celebrating the sacraments is a two-year process, so children in grade 1 expecting to celebrate First Reconciliation and First Communion in second grade MUST attend 1st grade Faith Formation classes.
Our National Blue-Ribbon, STEM certified, parish school, St. Patrick School, is accepting applications for most grades for the 2024-2025 school year! There are still some openings in several grades. See how your child can Be the Future at St. Patrick School! Call the school at 973-635-4623 or visit their website for more information!
Thank you to all our very generous parishioners that donated meals, food and items requested by our families that we are sponsoring for our Family Promise Host Week! Items were appreciated and enjoyed by the families!
Twice a year, St. Patrick Parish commits to helping our brothers and sisters in need right here in Morris County. Our Parish “hosts” families from Family Promise, providing meals, necessities and gift cards during our assigned host weeks. Please contact the parish office during regular office hours to see how you can help or visit the sign-up.
Registration for our Youth Ministry (SPYM) and Faith Formation programs opens Monday, July 1, 2024. Rising Freshmen and Sophomores must register for BOTH Youth Ministry AND the Confirmation Program. Rising Juniors and Seniors that plan to participate in our Youth Ministry program including those serving as retreat leaders should register for the Youth Ministry program only. All rising 1st grade students through 8th grade students should register for Faith Formation. Children in 2nd grade preparing to celebrate the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist must also register for the Sacramental Program in addition to grade 2 Faith Formation. Preparation for celebrating the sacraments is a two-year process, so children in grade 1 expecting to celebrate First Reconciliation and First Communion in second grade MUST attend 1st grade Faith Formation classes.
July 7 & 8, is our monthly Forget-Me-Not food collection weekend! Please drop your non-perishable food donations in the priests’ garage. Historically, summer months are crucial for food donations since children are home from school and do not have access to food programs at school. While demand increases in the summer for this reason, supply often decreases since many of our donors take their vacations, have other obligations and may not be able to donate during the summer months. Please help if you can! Bins are available on top of the freezers for you to place your items in and the Food Pantry committee will re-bag those donations for Father English Center in Paterson. Thank you for your continued support in helping our brothers and sisters in need.
A Marian Devotion Mass will be celebrated in the Church on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 8:00 am in the Church With Fr. Chris. All are invited to attend this very special monthly Mass.
Join us on Friday, July 5 in the Church for First Friday Mass followed by Adoration. Mass begins at 12:30 pm immediately followed by Adoration until 2 pm. All are invited to stop in and spend some private time in prayer with the Lord.
Beginning June 27, Parish Office hours will change for the summer. The office will be CLOSED to WALK-IN TRAFFIC on Thursdays. Our ministers, Parish Administrator and Finance Manager will be available by appointment only. Please contact them directly. In an emergency, please call the main number and leave a message. One of our ministers will return your call. Office hours will remain the same for the rest of the week, Monday - Wednesday, 9 am -3 pm and Friday, 9 am - 12 pm.
Our Summer Mass schedule goes into effect THIS WEEKEND, June 22 and 23. Weekend Masses will be celebrated at 5 pm on Saturdays and 7:30 am and 10 am on Sundays for the last two weekends of June and all of July and August. We will return to our regular Mass schedule after Labor Day Weekend! Please contact the parish office with any questions.
Congratulations to our 8th grade students that will be graduating from St. Patrick School today! We are so proud of all you have accomplished and wish you the best in your future endeavors!
Help us help those in need! On Saturday, June 15 from 8:30 am until 2:00 pm, teens and adults traveling to Preston County, West Virginia to renovate dilapidated homes for those living with the unfortunate situation of rural poverty, will hold their annual Car Wash to help defray the cost of traveling, food and necessities. The Appalachia Help Weeks are part of the Justice and Service component to Youth Ministry. Please stop by the Parish parking lot and have your car washed! Tickets are available for purchase at the door or on our website.
Thank you to all who donated and supported our annual Feast of Corpus Christi Food Collection! Your generous donations will help fill our diocesan food pantries that are historically low during the summer months and most needed at this time of year when children are home from school for summer break!
Our Saint Patrick Youth Choirs including twenty children, youth, and chaperones went on a trip to sing for residents at Juniper Village on Wednesday, May 29. The residents were thrilled, some moved to tears, and all hoped the group would return very soon. The group also enjoyed a wonderful meal together at Prestige Diner in New Providence! Congratulations to the Boys & Girls Choir and God Unplugged Choir for a fantastic year sharing their gifts at St. Patrick Church masses and special events!
THIS WEEKEND is the Feast of Corpus Christi Food Collection! This collection, sponsored by Catholic Charities, will help offer assistance to those most in need right in our own communities. Our parish has been asked to provide any cold cereal or shampoo. Please drop off your donations before or after masses at the priests' garage. Monetary contributions will also be accepted by visiting Thank you for your generosity and support for those in need in our own community!