Confirmation Preparation and High School Youth Ministry If you have a teen who is planning on being Confirmed at St. Patrick Parish, they should be registering for our High School Youth Ministry. Our journey to Confirmation at St. Pat's begins in 9th Grade and is a 2-year preparation after which the teens are Confirmed in May of their Sophomore year. The registration for St. Pat's Youth Ministry (SPYM) is now open online.
There will be a freshmen orientation for teens and parents in September for all those registered. Our Youth Ministry program is much different from Faith Formation and does not include regular classes but rather peer-led retreats, rites, gatherings and other formative events throughout the year. This will all be explained at the orientation (which I strongly urge all to attend in order to fully understand the program).
There is a registration button below which will lead you to our registration site. Freshmen should register for the year 2022-2023 in SPYM as one of the two Freshmen Action Retreats offered. You can always register for the retreat later but once we reach the capacity of 45 candidates, the registration will go to a waitlist. If you know that your teen absolutely cannot attend the Winter Retreat, I suggest you register for the Fall one now. Our very strict rule is that the teens must attend 100% of the retreat in order for it to count so make sure you work around their schedule.
If you have any questions at all, please shoot me an email and we can discuss. Thank you and looking forward to meeting our new SPYM members and their families as well as siblings of current and past members!
Enjoy your summer and all registrants will be receiving more information about the orientation come August.