Sign up this weekend, November 2 & 3, after all masses to sponsor a family, child, senior or veteran in Paterson or right here in Chatham. You will receive all the information you need to fulfill your family or individual’s ‘wish list’ as well as an instruction sheet. Then return the box on December 8 for distribution. The most important thing that goes into each Christmas in a Box cannot be seen - the spirit of Christmas. When the boxes are filled with beautiful gifts intended for complete strangers, they are also being filled with powerful messages of love, care and hope. Visit for more information.
Children in grades 1-3 are invited to participate in a very special annual event: The Living Nativity. Weekly rehearsals begin Wednesday, October 30. The performance which includes singing, acting and costumes, will be held on Monday, December 16.
Join us for a delicious, all-you-can-eat Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, October 20, 2019 from 8 am until 11 am in the Fr. Ed Center gym. Cost is $6/adult, $4/child ages 4-12 maximum cost per family is $30. Hosted by the Knights of Columbus.
Please join Saint Patrick Parish in remembering our deceased loved ones who have passed in the last year. We will remember by name and light a candle for all those who have died in the last year. If you have a friend or family member that you would like remembered in this special way, please contact the parish office. A small reception in the South Room will follow.
Join us on Sunday, October 13 after the 11 am mass in the Parish Center as we celebrate Deacon Joe's 27 years of service and dedication to St. Patrick Parish. All are invited!