The 2018-2019 St. Patrick Parish and School Finance Report can be viewed by clicking on the title above. Please refer any questions or concerns to our Finance Manager, Margaret Woon-Castro at extension 159 or Fr. Bob.
Join us for a holiday bazaar this Saturday, December 14, 2019 from 10 am until 2 pm in the Fr. Ed Parish Center. Lots of vendors offering jewelry, beauty essentials, pottery, hair accessories, handmade signs, unique clothing, gift items and much, much more! $3 admission for adults 18 and over. Shop our LADIES NIGHT Friday, December 13, 2019 from 7 pm until 9 pm. Your $10 admission fee includes Wine and Cheese as you shop and visit with friends. Finish up your holiday shopping while having some fun along the way!
Saint Patrick Youth Ministry will be hosting its annual Gingerbread House Workshop for children in Pre-K and older. For $15, each child will receive a full-size Gingerbread House and everything needed to decorate it. Youth Ministry teens will be on hand to help the children create their very own masterpiece. Registration forms are available online (click on the Gingerbread Workshop title above) or at the doors of the church and parish office.