The Appalachia Help Weeks outreach program started in 1986 in response to the floods that affected so many in Preston County, West Virginia. They are a part of the Justice & Service component to Youth Ministry. The whole process fosters the faith development of all who participate and provides an opportunity for our community to be the Body of Christ for others. Every summer many of our Youth Ministry teens and some adult parishioners make the journey to Preston County to help our brothers and sisters in need. To learn more about this very special outreach program and to express your interest in participating this summer, please click on the title above. Support is needed both voluntarily and monetarily. Thank you!
At the Sunday 5 pm Mass on January 17, 2021, Moira Horan was presented the 2020 SPYM JTB Foundation Scholarship for her dedication and time and talent shared with St. Patrick Youth Ministry and St. Patrick Parish over her 4 years in High School. Congratulations Moira!
St. Patrick Parish Nurses Ministry consists of a group of dedicated nurses who volunteer their time and talent to answer questions and provide support, guidance, and resources to our parishioners. If you have questions about the COVID vaccine, please feel free to contact our Nurses Ministry at 973-635-0625 extension 163. If you leave a message, a nurse volunteer will call you back. If you have a senior neighbor living alone, please check in on them or refer them to the Parish Nurses if they have any questions.
Our Music Minister, Maggie, is offering 3 new Bell/Chime Choirs for children in grades 4 through High School and adults. For more information, click on the title above.