Our annual Easter Food Collection to benefit those served by our Diocesan food pantries will occur this weekend, April 9 & 10. Please put small frozen chickens, turkeys, and turkey breasts as well as canned ham donations in the freezers in the priests' garage. All other non-perishables can be placed on the tables in the priests' garage. Thank you for your generosity and helping our brothers and sisters in need!
Our youngest choir will sing for Easter and the First Communion masses in April and May. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 5:30pm – 6:05pm starting Wednesday, March 30. Directed by Maggie Hanson. Easter is April 17 and the children will sing at the 9:30 am Mass. First Communions are Saturday, April 30 and Saturday, May 14. Masses are at 10am and noon on both First Communion dates.