Our monthly Forget-Me-Not Food Collection is scheduled for the weekend of May 7 & 8. Please drop off your non-perishable donations in the plastic bins located in the priests' garage. Your gifts will benefit the diocesan food pantries. The need is great...the Father English Center is distributing over 1,000 bags of food a day! Thank you for your generosity and remembering our brothers and sisters in need!
The Annual Appalachia Golf Classic, a fundraiser to help defray costs associated with the Appalachia Help Weeks, will be held on Friday, May 6, 2022 at the Architects Golf Club in Phillipsburg, NJ. Please consider sponsorship opportunities or join us for a day of fun a\at the classic including practice range, golf, soft drinks, beer and wine all for $150 per person!
Even though families no longer physically stay in our Parish Center, we still "host" them by providing meals and necessities. To help one of our homeless families in need, please sign up to provide groceries, a meal or gift card. Details are on the electronic sign-up form. Thank you!