Fr. Artur is organizing a bus trip to Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster PA for the show David, on Wednesday, August 24 2022. Call the Parish Office or visit to reserve your seat. Registration and payment until July 7th
Registration for SPYM (St. Patrick Youth Ministry is open for the 2022-2023 school year. Teens in grades 9 & 10 must register as part of their preparation for Confirmation. Teens in grades 11 - 12 who plan to participate in Youth Ministry activities as well as serve as retreat leaders should also register for Youth Ministry. Click on the title of this news story for more information.
The Diocese has asked St. Patrick Parish to donate any cold cereal and shampoo. During the summer months, the diocesan food pantries traditionally receive fewer donation than during the rest of the year. During the summer months, when children are home from school, the demand and need for food and other supplies increase. Please drop off your donations in the Parish Center. Thank you for your generosity and helping those in need!