The Pastoral Council at Saint Patrick Parish is a non-elected group of parishioners who support the pastor and the parish staff. Members are selected by the pastor and serve at his discretion. The Pastoral Council provides advice and counsel to the pastor. The members (ten or more parishioners) and the pastor assess the needs of the parish and the merits of the various programs and activities of the parish. The Council is led by two co-chairs who are asked to serve in that capacity by the pastor.
New appointments are made by the pastor according to the needs of the council. Any parishioner interested in serving on the Pastoral Council is encouraged to contact Father Bob Mitchell.
Pastoral Council Co-Leaders:
Bryan Gilrane and Colleen Truppo - [email protected]
Pastoral Council Members:
Jennifer Brody, Jill Dailey, Veronica Gibbons, Bryan Gilrane, Andrea Santoriello, Colleen Truppo, Mary Voytus