Action Retreat: A parish-based retreat experience for freshmen beginning on a Saturday afternoon and ending Sunday evening. Incorporated into the weekend experience are witness talks, small group discussions, large group discussions and activities, ice breakers, Liturgy, prayer, singing and meals. We offer two Action Retreats per year. The retreat serves as a catalyst for deeper and more meaningful participation in the parish but does not ignore the developmental realities of 9th graders.
Action Prep Team Meeting: Each Action Retreat is prepared and run by a team of about 16 upperclassmen and 6 adults. The leaders chosen for these teams are people who have expressed sincere interest in being on team and have shown leadership potential. One must go on an Action Retreat before one can be asked to be on Team.
Antioch: According to the Acts of the Apostles, Antioch was the first Christian community. “It was at Antioch that the believers were first called Christians.” - Acts 11:26. Antioch began as a small community and grew to the size of a city as big as Boston. We choose the name “Antioch” for one of our retreats because we are recreating the first Antioch; that is, we are building a city of God from small beginnings.
Antioch Retreat: An age appropriate parish-based retreat experience beginning on a Saturday morning and ending early Sunday evening. Incorporated into the weekend experience are witness talks, small group discussions, large group discussions and activities, ice breakers, Reconciliation, Liturgy, prayer, singing and meals. We offer two Antioch Retreats per year. The retreat serves as a catalyst for deeper and more meaningful participation in the parish.
Antioch Prep Team Meeting: Each Antioch Retreat is prepared and run by a team of about 18 upperclassmen and 8 adults. The leaders chosen for these teams are people who have expressed sincere interest in being on team and have shown leadership potential. One must go on an Antioch Retreat before one can be asked to be on Team.
Appalachia Help Week: A weeklong service opportunity (yearlong preparation-wise) in the summer, through which youth, college students and adults renovate homes owned by our brothers and sisters living in Preston County, WV. (10th graders and up only).
Catechist: Any adult who commits to sharing his or her faith with our youth in a formal way (typically on a retreat and follow-ups).
Easter Vigil: A spiritually moving Mass which takes place on Easter Eve. This is the culmination of all our Eucharistic celebrations throughout the year. All parishioners, young and old, are encouraged to come and celebrate who we are.
Eucharistic Minister Training: Any confirmed individual who feels called to be a Eucharistic Minister may be trained on scheduled dates.
God Unplugged: Our Youth Ministry choir/band. A group consisting of singers, guitar players, bass players, piano players, brass players, string players, harmonica players, and percussion players. This year God Unplugged will lead the assembly in song on Christmas day, the Confirmation Liturgy, the Retreat Liturgies and various other Masses throughout the year. Whatever instrument you play, we can work it in. Come share your talents.
Lector Training: Any confirmed individual who feels called to be a Lector may be trained on scheduled dates.
Living Stations of the Cross: A prayer service led by Youth Ministry for the parish on the evening of Good Friday. It is a solemn celebration of our Lord’s final hours. The service is led through prayer, reflection, music, drama, and personal sharing.
Living Stations Rehearsal: Anyone who wishes to offer their drama, musical, or leadership skills is welcome to participate, but must commit to all rehearsals.
Freshman Gatherings: These gatherings are led by Junior and Senior Action team leaders and take place for 4 weeks following each Action retreat. Incorporated into a typical gathering is a witness talk, small group discussion, large group discussion, singing, prayer and service sign-ups. The first gathering takes place the week following each Action Retreat. Each gathering is Lectionary-based (meaning they follow the sequence of the Church calendar). Any Freshman who is in High School Youth Ministry is invited to any and all Monday evening gatherings. Come to as many as you can.
Parish Picnic: A chance to gather as a parish family and have fun with all generations. Youth Ministry is responsible for the children's activites and games.
Parish Retreat: Both youth and adults are encouraged to join the rest of the parish in three evenings of reflection during Lent.
Rite of Covenant Reflection: A one hour long evening of reflection for sophomores preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation and their parents. The focus is on “discernment” and the meaning of the “Rite of Covenant” ritual. This reflection takes place immediately before the Rite of Covenant Liturgy.
Rite of Covenant: A Rite to symbolically acknowledge our sophomores (or second year Confirmation candidates) as they enter into the Period of Discernment (the period of time in which they are asked to discern whether or not they wish to confirm their Baptism). It is also an opportunity for our sophomores to symbolically express their willingness to fully enter into this stage with an open mind and heart.
Rite of Invitation/Orientation\: A gathering for freshmen who wish to participate in Youth Ministry (and consequently prepare for Confirmation) and their parents. The focus is on welcoming the youth into Youth Ministry and explaining the Youth Ministry process to the youth and parents.
Rite of Entrance: A ritual for freshman that takes place at Sunday 5:00 pm Mass during the Action Retreats. It is designed to allow our community to symbolically acknowledge our freshmen (or first year Confirmation candidates) as they begin their journey through high school Youth Ministry. It is also an opportunity for our freshmen to symbolically express their willingness to fully participate in Youth Ministry.
Rite of Confirmation Reflection/Rehearsal: A chance for those coming forward for the sacrament of Confirmation to gather with their sponsors and parents and reflect on the meaning of Confirmation. The evening also serves as a chance to rehearse for the Confirmation ritual.
Rite of Confirmation: A ritual that takes place during a Eucharistic Liturgy and through which the sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated. Those who come forward do the following: confirm their Baptism, complete the sacraments of Initiation, recognize, acknowledge and celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit, commit to embrace Christianity, commit to accept and practice Roman Catholicism, commit to share the gift of themselves with the St. Patrick Parish community, and begin a new life as a disciple of Jesus.
Virtus Program: The Protecting God’s Children program for adults over 18 years of age who are working with, volunteering with, or ministering to children. The program is designed to raise awareness of best practices to prevent risk of abuse to minors. For the protection of all our youth, any adult who wishes to be involved in Youth Ministry (retreat team, host home, driver, etc.) is required to attend the training session.